Sunday, December 21, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
元衛覺醒 - 鴕鳥
你說不愛了 于是我就承擔
陽光很燦爛 我卻笑不出來
你說不愛了 于是我就承擔
陽光很燦爛 我卻笑不出來
Friday, December 05, 2008
Monday, December 01, 2008
just completed Korean Language level 1
만나서 반갑습니다. It's nice to meet you.
제 이름은 마준구입니다. My name is 마준구.
after 5 torturous weeks, i finally completed the Korean Language level 1 course. Today, the result was released and this means i no longer need to go twice or thrice a week to study all these scientific-looking characters... hahahaha, that is until next february when level 2 starts again.
it is actually a fun class. the teacher has her way to "force" us to practise and exercise the foreign language. she often share with us her 9 years experience living in Korea, which is very relevance to learning the language. Koreans are very very particular about their social status - speaking to friends (same status) is totally different from speaking to your superiors or seniors.
this is the October 2008 class:

(pls click on the above picture for bigger version)
as you can see, there are young and old, even a Malay student, in our class. the Malay girl Fatiha is sitting for her PMR this year... and the girl in the middle right behind Fatiha, Lui Xia is also very very young, probably only 13yo? the girl in front of me is my sister. hahahaha, actually the reason i took this course was to accompany my sister, but now i actually quite enjoy learning the language, i think i will continue with level 2. oh, the other interesting thing is, 3 girls here are my broadcasting students, hahahaha, 2 girls in front with grey jacket and blue shirt, and another girl in orange vest. luckily i got better marks than 3 of them, gegegegege, so not so memalukan. :P
today is the last day for this semester, so the teacher, Jane, has brought us some food:

she brought cheese+egg sandwiches, Korean eggrolls (kinda sweet but nice), and of course the highlight - KIMCHI!!! yum yum. hers is very authentic, not too spicy and not so salty also, she used Korean chilli and shrimp paste (something like "jinjaruk" in Malaysia) so the taste is quite aromatic... yum yum!!
at the end of the class, i've taken photo with our dear teacher, Jane.

사랑하는 선생님, 감사합니다.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
another blogger arrested
it is Kickdefella Syed Azidi this time being detained under sedition act. he was caught due to his upside-down national flag campaign on his blog. he is famous also for satiring the politician, especially Pak Lah, with modified movie posters.
first it's Raja Petra, then Tan Hoon Cheng, followed by Teresa Kok.
Now, an ex-colleague and a good friend of mine, Azidi... those Utarians who have been taught by him before must have remembered his wits and humours... this is so depressing...
How many more?? When will they stop using all this draconian acts?
this is so frustrating, one has to wonder what's wrong in this country...
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
In the midst of marking final exam papers
Before that, i was hungry half way writing, too lazy to drive out to makan, i cooked myself some spaghetti. just screened through the fridge and see what ingredients available... mmm... capsicum, dried shrimp, tomato paste.... ah, will do then.
1. boil your spaghetti in a pot of water for 12 minutes with a pinch of salt.
2. while boiling, saute minced garlic and shallot until it's golden. Then put in dried shrimp & capsicum cubes and continue saute for 2 minutes or so.
3. add tomato paste, a cup of water, and simmer for 3 or 4 minutes.
4. put in salt, black pepper to taste. if you are up for some hot spicy sauce, can also put in chilli pepper.
5. pour in the al dente spaghetti, stir a bit, and serve.
here it is:
but while cooking, i accidently pour in too much chilli pepper, ok... actually half a bottle fell in, i scooped a LOT out... =.=" so this is like EXTRA HOT GILA MAMI spaghetti.... i tell you, i eat until my sweat and tears "dua lui dua lui" come out!!! but very syok lah that is! :P
Ok, now, back to finalizing my coding sheet, and later will have to continue marking exam papers.... sienz... =.="
Friday, September 12, 2008
Scriptwriting 101 - Evaluation of a script
AI's membership in UMPTE has been suspended for 3 years. So?
A lot of ppl (politicians & citizens) asked for him to be jailed under ICA, but few others said let's not request the use of an unjust Act that we all condemn for so long. So?
The major turn of event: Raj Poomy has been detained under ICA for 2 months. So?
The reporter has also been caught. So?
Even another totally unrelated Meshed Potatoes was caught. So?
They said there's a long list to come. So?
So what? haven't you seen it coming?
There's no hope for this M&Ms country... perhaps until the alleged 9/6. That will be the climax of the whole episode, if it happen."
Short question: Please read the above script/draft and criticize on its narrative structure. (10 marks)
Sample answer: The story is very forced, the build-up to the climax is weak too despite being too obvious. I also think that the role of protagonist and antagonist are blurred, audience will not like to see ambiguity. Personally i think the twist of the story is the major weakness of the whole script, as it comes in unannounced, which only will give our audience a shock, a jolt, but this technique is inferior to suspense which will sustain the audience's thrill for a longer time.
I suggest that the climax should come in earlier, and instead of allegation, which is weak in nature, it should be a concrete plan. Audience needs to feel hope in the story, and not a doomed setting.
In general, the story is unbelievable and unreal, it will not happen in real life, hence audience will find great difficulties in relating to the story. Without audience's involvement, the script will be a failure.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
i cooked green curry chicken again... ;)

some more, i accidentally cut my own finger & fingernail when i chopped something...

this time, the 2nd attempt, i have gotten ready all the ingredients!!! hopefully i will have a more authentic green curry chicken!!!
all the ingredients for the green curry paste...

garlic, lemon grass, shallot, galangaal, kaffir lime, green chillies, corriander roots, lesser ginger or fingerroot ginger, tumeric roots, fish sauce, & shrimp paste.
then i started pounding all the ingredients............... until......... until i felt so tired and decided to give in to modern technology.... i took out the blender and the rest you know liao lah........ -___-"

so, the green curry paste is readied now!! the outcome.... was too watery, but the blender need water to function properly... sigh... so gotta compromise lor... what to do?
now all the ingredients for the green curry chicken are readied too... only lack off eggplant.... i forgot to buy lah... -.-"

coconut milk, baby corn, sweet basil leaves, cilli padi, kaffir leaves... and of course you need chicken meat lah... preferably slice into small small pieces, easier to cook later.
and wualah....

yeh, i think this time taste more like authentic thai dish lah...
forgot to take pic after everyone ate... not a single drop of gravvy is left... ^__^ *proud*
Sunday, June 29, 2008
March General Election banner war at Penang
at first, Barisan Nasional, the ruling coalition put up their banners stated "to change again" simply to plea from Penangites a chance to prove BN can change and improve.
but we all realized, especially the opposition parties, that Penang's economy is slugging after so many years of Gerakan's ruling... hence, this has irritated the opposition parties. Keadilan decided to put this banner under BN's.
It simply said "round & round, the more you turn, the more you can't"... well whatever, my translation sucks.
but of coz, the most creative one came from DAP, where they hijacked BN's idea and used it to their advantage:
where they copied exactly the same font and style, only changed the color to their party colours - red and white. now, these slogans read: "to change again, vote for rocket (DAP)".
that's just brilliant, and it rhymes in mandarin mind you. i'm sure Penangites were all smiling and grinning cynically.
of coz , the taiko felt the poke on their back... so they decided to take down the original batch of banners, and put up a new wave of banners to ridicule DAP.
it basically picked up from the previous sentence, it reads, "vote for rocket (DAP), they'd disappeared, so don't be fooled." but what's funny is the lower position has been taken by DAP, so they cannot "tag on" to their banners... well, this is not so creative lor... they should have just written on their banner "if you want to be fooled... vote for rocket (DAP)"...
but anyway, the war ended here...
only if they take their time and creativity to develop the nation, rather than involve themselves in this word games, we will be thankful.
ok. now back to writing the paper... -.-"
(disclaimer: i do not own any of the photos above. none photographed by me. i found them on the net, majority from please support them and subscribe to their news service)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
the 4 awards won are:
out of 11 categories, this music video was nominated for 6 awards and they won 4. quite a good outcome i reckon. this will definitely boost their spirit and wallet. well, there was a comment on my evaluation stating that i'm kinda "questionable" because i approved a RM800 budget music video, i guess with these awards, it answers this query.
hahaha, hopefully the next production will be even better than this. if you haven't watched their latest production "the last exit" which i posted in my previous entry, you should!
now, you can enjoy the music video:
Saturday, April 19, 2008
OK i know it's yesteryear's technology but...
here are a couple of not so crazy me, but funny enough... hope you'll enjoy! :P
i think the first one look handsomer than the real me... grrr... =.=
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
talented students' works.
Watch this short film produced by my (ex) students... i think very good lor... must support. Then proceed to the part 2 & 3 below:
Part 2:
Part 3:
And when you have done with that, also listen to the original soundtrack that was written and performed by the student's sister, it is haunting and very professionally done, not to mention suits the mood of the short film perfectly. And don't miss out the final part of the song where you can hear her haunting soprano.
people are so talented and genius nowaday!! i feel so inferior... haha.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
This is really good! enjoy ya!! :P
Hahahaha, good job done Comedy Court! laugh until nearly pengsan... :P
Saturday, January 19, 2008
dye my singlets DIY
the bag...

the singlets...

the one at the back i did nothing... the front one i tied a few rubber bands here and there, so some circle patterns appeared...
take a closer look...

yeah... nice hor, now i got new singlets to wear liao!!! :P
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The outcomes!!! :)
this is the outcome of the pear enzyme:

Now, the remainders of the enzyme, the fruits can also be eaten, in fact, they are quite nice, strong "liquor" smell, and very "crunchy" leh... no joke!
Then, this is the pineapple+kiwi enzyme outcome... surprisingly for the huge bottle of enzyme, only a little more than half bottle outcome nia... sigh...

But the fruits hor kinda smelly... so i threw them liao...
So, how's the taste of the drink...
but after you dillute with water and put ice cubes in... which is roughly 1 part enzyme + 4 parts water... they are nectar from heaven!!! so nice and refreshing!!

My whole family like it, my relatives like it, my friends like it!!!
now, i have done the red dragon fruit enzyme!!
didn't have to wait long, just after a minute i sealed the bottle, can see juice coming out liao...

after 2 days...

YUM YUM.... can't wait!!! :P