Half way down the movie, i was really entertained. Sandler holds his forte well, the comedies are fresh and fun, although it could be a bit too "sexual"... but hell, this movies are not for children anyway. i like sundance humping a duck, hillarious! but still until this point of the movie, it is still a commercial film as far as i concerned.
it's only when the remote control went uncontrol, or rather the remote control started to get control, the movie takes a quick turn - plot and style wise - into something not fun anymore. the pace is slow, the characters are sad, the plot are becoming unbearable, the message becomes heavy -- that's the time i started to think about the real message. it is truly about living "now". it's just like a extended version of public service announcement, but it's more fun.

i believe a lot of viewers after watching the film, must have thought about the importance of family, friends and true meaning of "living"... it's not about making more money but at the end of the day have no one to share with, and worse, loosing everything you love and important to get money.
but i also believe that after we walk out from the cinema, and walk back into the busy work life, where the pace is just too fast, where everything cost you money, where everyone around you set target and expectation to you, how many of us still care what message the movie send??
a lot of people think that the movie got huge impact on audience, but in this case, the reality still win! nothing changes really, people still busy chasing money, sacrificing a lot to get promoted. everything changes, yet nothing changes, life goes on!
It got me thinking too, we use remote control to change TV programmes... and while we sit on the sofa and watch them... we are actually clicking our life away... maybe it's time for us to have some real activities to be with our family, friends, and loved ones. :)
my rating: 7.5/10
so sir, do you like it or not?
we watched it and cried...i think one of the best films this year!
I know lah sir, we all pro-commercial films people, but we do like Click very much. It sends a powerful messgae out. Don't mind about the reality, at least it does sow a litlle seed in the audiences' minds.
Sir ar..I want The Hire and Sliding Doors lah...when can borrow me ?
sir...got terharu or not at the end of the movie?hehehe...
watch texas chainsaw massacre 2...
wenxuan: i've already given the film a 7.5 rating, you say i like it or not leh?? =.=
yes. it has sent out a message, but whether or not it's going to do any changes, that's what i doubt in my post.
mel: ok, i admit i was touched during the last part when he's about to die... but then again, if i'm going to be cynical, many other films that got me even more touched in not just 1 part of the film... so, yes, the answer is i was touched (on that part only). :P
sir...can you recommend us some good production houses in PJ?other than popiah...
need more choices..ehe..
me too...wanna go and do you proud sir...heehee...
Popiah is not in PJ, it's in Jln Bukit Bintang.
production houses that you all said is TV programme or TV commercial or what??
you all may try Vision Broadcast which is just around the corner...
or maybe in Skywalker which is at Kelana Jaya.
or maybe even 8TV, which is near 1 utama.
i guess it doesn't matter if its for tv programme or commercial..as long as we learn somthing right...hehe
everyone has his dream, but somehow the reality kills it. this is life. like when we chose to study broadcating , we hope to be a great director, hosts or watever.. but back to reality, r we talented enough, lucky enough to get into the industry, n many other reasons. like Gil Kenan, he is talented (i supposed he is) n lucky enough to hv a chance to direct the monster house. n some ppl jz cant do it. this is the world, if all ppl b'come directors, i think this world might go crazy... haha
oh, i think i should go to point. hehe... many ppl give up b'cos of many reasons, they r passive, (like ping said we should take initiative to strike for a chance), n come on, if those ppl in the industry dun like u, i mean u know sometimes we judge ppl b4 we know their ability, same goes to the industry if i dun like u at the first time in the interview, u'll wont get a chance.
so back to reality, we hv so much thing to worry, if ppl r rich enough they wont be worried abt their lives. they can behave like those characters in movies or drama, like ery free one. haha.. many problems r waiting for them to be solved. -_-''.
n yes, we do touched when watching certain movies. however, do we really get the message n change? will us really spend more time with family or ppl we love? or we jz discuss abt how great the movie was? the movies got certain messages but we r the one who to act and change. if we dont make changes, it is useless how great the movie is (in terms of sending out meaningful msg).
melisa: no not only that, i think if you've already kinda sure of what you want to do next time, it's better to do your internship in those companies... because by that, only you'll have more chance to meet and communicate with ppl in that line. remember, contact is everything in this industry. so, don't waste the chance to do that during internship ok.
anonymous: whoever you are, i think although the reality is cruel, but if we equip ourselves with knowledge and we are hardworking enough, God will bless us, and we will also be competent enough to recognize chances/opportunities, and to take the challenge will full confidence!! agree?
yes sir *tabik*
will do
The movie is very entertaining,but the story line is very stereotype. I really like the dog! hahaha......
indeed it's very stereotypic, but aren't comedies always try to work around stereotypes??
you like the dog???!! hehe.... nothing... i just pity the rabbit... :P
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