it's my beloved teddy bear!!! he accompanied me to go up all the way! :P
i figured if i cannot be the first to be up there, i wanna be the first to bring teddy bear up there... hehehehe... :P
(and someone adds: i look like Digi-yellowman "I will follow you..." all the way up to mount KK! :P)
Sir, you remind me about mr. bean... mr. bean has his own teddy bear too... however, would like to say.. the scenery at KK is really DAMN pretty!
omg...sir u really cute....ur action at there seem little diffrent frm sch...hahah...
but i think u r right...i think until nw mayb dint hv ppl bring teddy bear go up there...most will be chocolate....
next time u when i go i also wan the diffrent de...hahah
omg.. the scenery is so breathtaking..
Of coz not to forget you too, Sir..
Lol.. The pic looks really good!!
whoa...you went to mt kinabalu! whoa! another thing to do on my before-i-die list, heh. but let me get fit first la XD for now bangkok and flatland walking seem more appealing.
yeah, we're planning to go to the ancient city and summer palaces precisely cos we wanna see ruins. my friend and i are perfectly happy looking at history and wander and wonder in it a bit.
if we had the time (and money), we'd have take overland trips to cambodia and vietnam too but...what to do, our pockets dictate our journey. next time lah.
anyways, cya around in classes. we're back from training to bug you again :)
dear anonymous: who are you leh?? for the record, both me and my bear are cuter than mr bean and his bear ok! :P wuahahahahaha!
wai: what are you going to bring?? how about bringing UTAR flag up there... hahaha, will be a DEFINITE first person lor! :P
joanne: only the PIC looks good ah?.... *bad mood liao*
pui yee: but i will not be teaching you wor... Angkor Wat will be my next destination - talking about ruins! :)
sir if bring UTAR flag i think i definite be d 1st person....so love sch too much...hahah....
bt can be someting special also...tis 1 mah...must think it loh........
aiks.. Sir..
Don't la like that..
You look good also ma..
Didn't I mention it in the previous comment??
sir, i'm not sure whether you and your teddy bear is cuter or mr. bean and his teddy bear, but what i am sure is that mr. bean and his teddy bear is more famous than you... hehehe...
wai: hehe, don't bring UTAR flag also no problem lah, but when you reach the peak hor, just SHOUT: "I LOVE UTAR!!!!!!!" will do.... wuahahahahahaha!!! :P
joanne: just pulling your legs lah, dun worry... i know i'm not good looking, and have already accepted that like aeon years ago. :)
linda: why you said until like i died like that.... sigh.... hahahaha, but yeah i finally went to the peak this time! so happy... and who bought the mochi for me... it's nice lah and so sweet of you all... thanks!! :)
ps... when graduate?
Hi sir!Just dropping by to say thanx for all da help.
Wah..teddy bear and teddy beh..very matching.
linda: 怎样?要毕业了的心情应该是很亢奋吧!哈哈!一切顺利啰!
facetoflife: don't mention it. hope you guys enjoy the classes. :)
前途 + 錢途 = ??
春风它吻上Bear Beh的脸~
fu yoh~~mount KK is damn cool~~ i wanna go too~~
sir...act cute la u~~hahaha!!!!!
hahahah...sir....dis is my 1st time think tat u r cute le ~~~:p
hahaha.....so STAY cute alWAys ya ~~~
its time to update your blog already.........
hie Sir..
How's life?
Long time nv see u la...
How's work in uni??
Hello! I might be going to KK in Sept if everything turn out OK.
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