the movie, according to a lot of audience, is a boring piece, a let down. but i, on the contrary, like this movie. disappointing? perhaps you went in with an expectation to see a typical horror movie, or wanted so much to be scared - maybe only the first half an hour of the movie satisfied your need, the rest is just a... well, letdown.

it is actually a serious arthouse movie, i mean the subtext - if not the text. it talks about the things, the people, the ideas, the memories that we've forgotten or taken for granted. all this forgotten materials are kept in a secret realm, and will get recycled once it's been totally forgotten. ok, it sounds illogical, but when all those sepia-toned images appeared in front of my eyes, i got such a nostalgic feelings - especially that merry-go-round and the old library. they sorta summarize what i wished for in my childhood, a mysterious circus and a room full of books to read... but when all these appear in a forgotten land, i was like getting a slap on my own face -- i have forgotten about all these things too!! i no longer got attracted to circus, fun fair, not even merry-go-round anymore. i no longer crave for books, no longer enjoy the fantasy world of a book anymore... what a shameful feelings.

so, yes, it's the "recycled" movie idea of "Alice in Wonderland" or "Wizard of Oz", but this is a much gory one, and a more adult version. it talks about how Lee Sin Jie, the protagonist, accidentally bumped into this realm of forgotten land, and trying hard to find her way out. (i shall not be a spoiler and tell you how the story ends) the setting of the "wonderland", in this movie it's the "recycleland", is simply wonderful -- of coz you can't compare it to the multi-billion-budget Hollywood movies. The mood is right, the young girl's acting is superb, the old man's acting is good, the main actress' acting is... errr... forget about it... :P
ok ok, i have to admit the last scene of the movie has gone over the top... ok ok, even the 2nd last scene is a bit cliche... ok ok, so the pace of the movie especially in the "wonderland" is draggy like hell... (ok ok, i know i mumble too much without reviewing much about the plots, character development blah blah blah)... but so what, i enjoyed the movie, i got my own imagination running throughout the film, and that's enough for the price of a ticket.
rating: 6.5/10
hey sir, actually the story which this story carried out is quite good. v r forgetten a lot of things...once v leave it behind finally it will drag into the recycle bin...as the recycle land in the movie.i like the aborted fetus scene and the little girl.i thk she rather acts better than lee sin jie...for me it is something wrong with the movie,maybe as mr teddy beh said,b4 v go for the movie, v already hv a expectation of a typical horror movie. Sir, pirates of the carribean is not bad...can go n watch...
but, i still haven't watched pirates of the carribean I wor... how leh??? -.-
aiya sir..so behing time already...when you wana watch pirates?
oh by the way, polka dot aunty's birthday is this thursday...hehe
sir,go to watch ya...i also no watch pirates 1...but after i watch pirates 2,then tv3 showed pirates 1...but not nice than pirates 2...anyway,sir,our polka dot aunty's birthday on 27/7...u wana come n cele together?haha...we are open the door big big to welcome u...put red carpet somemore...gaga...
sorry, thursday i'm not free. you all enjoy ok. don't forget the genre presentation on friday though ;)
ahah...mr. teddy beh, u really dun hv heart for birthdays rite?
Nvm, as long as u try to wish her a belated birthday on fri, tat will do...
Re-cycle...a movie tat i wun go and watch...so no comments here....hahahahaha....horror movies are not my type...to scary, summore is the 7th mth of the lunar calendar...eeekk...
Pirates of the Carribeans 2 is quite good, except for the part whr i fell asleep due to extreme sleepiness...
what do you mean i dun hv heart?? -.-"
the movie is not scary at all lah, please... :)
ceh...as long as d movie has ghost or anything tat pops out suddenly, i wun go n watch...
sir, no heart means no heart...takda hati...
i should have let your group do horror movies... :)
sir, too bad lor...
v acctually got the horror movie n kit wan group got the musical movie...
den v hv exchange the genre with them...haha...
because they all like to watch horror movie but v don't really like it...
like i said, i should have FORCE your group to take horror movies... wuahahaha!!! :P
As for the whole concept, i am very much impressed indeed. but execution wise, i am sorry to say that the strength of the work does not match its sky high ambition. the last scene SUCKS! and The "good guy / main charecter never dies" old-school-cliche is the worst!
阿麗安: ya, i agree with you... it will be nice if the film just end with her coming back... but the director 画蛇添足 thinking that it's intelligent, it kind of spoil the whole film i think.
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