Thursday, February 24, 2005

Just another sleepless night

I am so pressured! It's about 2am now, and I'm struggling in writing my thesis... it's seems like an neverending story and I'm sicked of it!! I'm going to sleep soon.
Anyway, I'm planning to write a book about local Chinese Independent Films. I would like to collect all the datas of independent films, such as those from James Lee, Ho YuHang, so that those works are properly archived. I feel it also serves the purpose of recording the struggling of Chinese filmmakers in Malaysia so that people understand how Chinese as minority fight for a fair chance in the local film industry. It has never been fair.
There will also be a new film release in 24/2/05 "Sepet" directed by Yasmin Ahmad. It is a story about how a Chinese guy and a Malay girl fell for each other. This film has suffered 8 cuts from our DEAR film censorboard of Malaysia (Lembaga Penapisan Film, LPF) in order to get shown to public. Originally LPF planned to ban the film, because they, as representative of the "people", find that the film should be banned! How bizarre? But, please please support Yasmin by watching her films. Malaysia needs directors with this caliber.
You all can read more about the whole thing in Yasmin Ahmad's blog here:



Anonymous said...

hi...after reading ur journal...feel so happy for u...u ve so many things upto n living ur live so cool!!!like ur idea of writting about d local chinese movie.keep it up:)

Teddy Beh said...

At least tell me who you are lah darling. hahaha ^_^ anyway, thanks for viewing my blog, come here more often ok. ciao. Beh

Nightraveller said...

Sepet looks interesting enough. And the production team comes from advertising line (with strong money background?)

Remember to write film review after watching that movie yah (especially for us who have no chance to watch...)

Teddy Beh said...

Sure I will if I can finish my thesis quick. Hope to catch it before it goes MIA from the movie theatre. So far, good comments from friends, not too good comments about the ending though.
Yes, the team is from advertising background. strong financial? i don't think so, heard that the producer gotta sell her car. but strong cinematography and narrative background, definitely.