My lovely home...

my cousin brother who stayed with my parents during his secondary school years. now he is a doctor, his wife is a doctor, and his kid is so damn cute! hehe!

that's me with the nephew... me tried to haunt him from behind! hehehe!

my uncle loves kids... dunno what tickle my nephew, laughed until like that... -.-

my young nephew was holding my little nephew... hahaha, see how curious a kid could get!!

Then on Sunday night, we all know it's the time for the hokkiens to pray to the SkyGrandpa... hahaha, pai tin kong! my family do that every year too...

table full of offerings! hahaha!

check out the mouth of the dragon... got smoke come out from there... hehehe!!!

tea, tang-yuan, and nian-kao in yuen-pao shape! then they are all sorta kuih and bread and fruits! notice all of the offerings have to be wrapped with a red stripe...

and of coz we have to offer 3 types of meat... chicken, pork rib, and duck

then the event continued with burning of hell moneys...

(what a waste... hehe) see... what's left??

after the god has been fed, it's time to feed the humans now... hahaha!

my mom forced me to take photos of her plants and garden... hahaha....this is the plant she bought for the new year... don't mistaken, it's not cherry tomatoes, it's chilli!! (ask my sis, she knows, she tasted it before!!! so damn hot she said.... wuahahaha!)

and this is the flowers that my mom's very proud of... during CNY, suddenly there appeared 6 blossoms together, and she thinks it's a good sign!! hahaha, chinese what... what do you expect? :P

哈哈哈哈~~~~ 佳, 说得好呀!!
你真的不怕?! LOL
目前我还在烦恼,家人要我继续念书 =__=|||
他们每天都在碎碎念我... (啊~救命!)
可是我坚持工作... 迟些就下KL去.先寄resume这些喽~
向你的家人好好解释吧!... 还是他们根本不想你入这行?
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