1. Yogyakarta (Borobudur), Indonesia - 14-16 January 2010
Leaving shortly - next week to Jogja... The main purpose is definitely to see the amazing Borobudur temple! i guess that's the only purpose. hahaha...
2. Taiwan - 5-15 May 2010
always want to visit Taiwan for the yummy food and great books. since now i'm a vegetarian, i think food hunt will be quite limited... but that's not the main complication, sigh... i just found out that the final exam weeks for this semester fall exactly on the planned date!!! gosh... i will have to pay Air Asia to delay the tickets!!! urghhh...... but i'm so determined to go!!! hahahaha....
Taipei!!! see if i can spot some celebrities & singers that i like or not!! and 101 Tower.
Cheng Pin Bookstore that open 24 hours! i'm going to shop till i drop!!! hahaha...
Yang Ming Shan National Park for sightseeing and hot spring! oooo.....
Hua Lien for the beaches and also whale spotting! should be fun!!!
3. Bangkok - July 2010
5 days shopping trip to Bangkok for the second time. i want to buy t-shirts, jeans and so much more!

4. Krabi - September 2010
A getaway trip with buddies to the sun, beach and sea! nothing much to do but to relax and hang out with friends!
1. Sipadan, Mabul, Kapalai, Semporna, Tawau - really want to go there for snorkeling and possibly taking up my diving license course...
2. Redang or Perhentian - for quiet break away from the hustles and bustles of city.
3. Mount Bromo, Indonesia - breathtaking sceneries... :)
Yooo~~ Mr Beh.. u alway travel travel travel and travel nia wo.. yoo~~ syok-nya... *envying*
kakakaka.... backpacking mah, always on budget... :)
下次我也要去= =
save money, you can go too!
omg...sir u plan so much places redi...i think my 2010 will plan jz can go till june for no more leave....pity taiwan i go also maybe next yrs undergoing progress...hahah...BKK will stop till u drop for 5days gosh...
shop till drop the last day only lah, the previous days are for sightseeing and makan... hahahaha...
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