First of all, thank you to my parents who always support me for whatever decision i made in life. i will do you all proud. but please don't push me for marriage anymore. and thank you for driving down all the way from KL last night and ta-pao me the super delicious "gao lam fun" from Ipoh. sob sob.

Thank you friends and students who gave me flowers and gifts, so appreciate your warmth and support.

and this is the group photo for graduants who took Master in Communication. (lacking 1 girl)
i so enjoy the time studying with you all.
plus, if you all who read this have a pair of sharp eyes, yes, the girl at the the right hand side is Daphne Iking, the host for Explorace and Vector Challenge. She was sitting beside me during convo, and she is a real fun person. at first we thought she'll be very arrogant, but turn out she is a fun loving person who joke a lot... i laughed all the time during convo. well, "Dapin Eekin", nice to meet you doll!
And YEAH, i graduated!!When's PhD?...